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Multidimensional Anger Test – Full Detailed Summary Report

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Multidimensional Anger Test

Multidimensional Anger Test – Numerous physical health issues, such as digestive issues and high blood pressure, can be brought on by Anger. In addition, Anger may be a sign of a mental illness such borderline personality disorder. Anger’s effects on mood and general well-being are referred to as its “multidimensional” aspects.

By completing the ongoing multi-faceted rage test on TikTok.

The Multidimensional Anger Scale is a test that a person can take to test their sensitivity to Anger and reduce its impact on their well-being.

The Multidimensional Anger Scale and its significance will be discussed in this article. It will also detail how to control Anger and how it affects both physical and mental health.

Multidimensional Anger Scale And Meaning

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), rage is hatred towards a person or thing you believe has purposefully mistreated you.

A 2016 study found that 7.8% of the United States population experiences “unreasonable, intense, or poorly controlled anger”. Men and young adults experience Anger the most, which is associated with lower psychosocial functioning.

A person can check their sensitivity to Anger using the Multidimensional Anger Scale. This scale is based on the work of Dr Judith M. Siegel, which dates back to 1986. The study reported 84% test-retest reliability and 89% internal consistency of the scale.

Test-retest reliability measures how consistent the results are when the same test is repeated at different times. Internal consistency is a measure that looks at correlations between other items on the same test.

Exams In Modern Times

IDRlabs developed an online test version, which started trending on TikTok. It maps a person’s experience of Anger. The test requires a person to answer a 38-statement survey related to various aspects of Anger, including:

  • The excitement of Anger: How quickly a person turns to Anger.
  • Anger Spectrum: How easily a person becomes angry.
  • Hostile Attitudes: How distrustful a person is of others.
  • External Anger: A person’s tendency to express anger outwardly.
  • Internalized Anger: A person’s tendency to hide their Anger.

The test asks a person to agree or disagree with various statements using a five-point sliding scale. Statements include:

  1. “I have met many so-called experts who are no better than me.”
  2. “I get angry more often than most people I know.”
  3. “I get angry when I don’t get due credit for something I do.”

Meaning Behind The Scale

The developers of the test state that it has good psychometric properties, including high validity and test-retest reliability. Therefore, researchers and clinicians often use the test.

They have found the test relevant to a person’s Anger, physical health and stress response.

Effects of Anger on physical health

Effects of Anger on physical health

The effect of Anger goes beyond the feelings of the person. It can physically affect a person by triggering the sympathetic nervous system, known as the “fight-or-flight” response.

The adrenal glands release stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline into the body. The brain takes blood from the digestive tract and pushes it to muscles ready to escape the perceived threat.

Heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate should increase to aid this effort. That, in turn, raises the body temperature and triggers sweating. The mind also concentrates, ready to take action.

Feeling angry regularly or constantly can lead to various health problems, including metabolic changes.

Anger And Mental Health

Effects of Anger on physical health

Medical professionals do not define Anger as a mental health condition. However, it can be a symptom of some mental health conditions, such as:

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) involves a pattern of angry or irritable moods, unruly behaviour, and revenge.

Conduct disorder: This condition involves a persistent pattern of repetitive behaviour in which a person violates the rights of others, including aggression toward people and animals, destruction of property, cheating, theft, or severe breaking of rules.

Acute mood disorder with episodes of extreme rage and trouble controlling it has been observed. BPD is a widespread pattern of instability in social interactions and self-perception.

ways to control Anger

The APA suggests several ways to manage Anger. These range from a person changing the way they use humour to dispersing a sense of Anger.


Meditating on daily relaxation can help calm feelings of Anger. For example, a person might try:

Breathe deeply from the diaphragm, not the chest, imagining the breath rising from the lower abdomen

slowly repeating a calming word or phrase, such as “relax” or “relax it,” as they take deep breaths

imagining the relaxing experience from their memory or imagination

doing light and slow yoga-type exercises to relax muscles and make them feel calmer


The problem-solving method rests on the premise that the best way for a person to deal with a situation that causes anger is not to focus on finding a solution.

Instead, they should focus on how they handle and face the problem. Then, they should be less likely to lose patience and have an all-or-nothing attitude, even if they can’t solve the problem immediately.

Anger is a usual and standard emotion that everyone knowledges from time to time. However, excessive or uncontrolled anger can be problematic and negatively impact a person’s well-being and relationships.

The Multidimensional Anger Test is likely an assessment designed to measure different aspects of anger, helping individuals and mental health professionals gain insights into how they experience and express anger.


Communication, in this context, involves slowing down a person who refrains from saying the first thing that comes to their mind when feeling angry.

One needs to hear the other person’s words before reacting. This pause can help one person understand the other’s point of view. For example, if a person says, “You go out a lot,” what they really mean is, “I’d like to spend more time with you.”


Multidimensional Anger explains Anger as impacting mental and physical health rather than as an emotion.

The multidimensional anger scale currently trending on social media requires a person to answer a series of questions to help them better understand their sensitivity to Anger.