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6 Things You May Not Know About CPR

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CPR has saved millions of lives since it was first developed in the 1960s. It is an important skill to have in an emergency, as it can mean the difference between life and death. When someone’s heart stops beating or they stop breathing, CPR can help restore a normal heartbeat and get them breathing again.  The American Heart Association is the leading authority on CPR and recommends that everyone learn and practice it. Here are six things you may not know about CPR:

1. It Is Ideal for Children and Adults

Most people assume that CPR is only effective for adults, but you can also use many techniques on kids. By understanding the differences between adult and child CPR, you can ensure that your skills are up to date and ready to use, no matter who needs help. The key difference between adult and child CPR is the number of chest compressions used. While adults require 100 to 120 per minute, children only need around 90 to 100 per minute. The amount of pressure used should also be less for a child than for an adult.

2. You Can Use It On Pets

While pets cannot undergo CPR the same way humans can, they can use some of the same techniques to help save their lives. You can use a version of chest compressions known as ‘canine CPR’ on dogs, cats, and other animals. You may need to modify the rate and depth of compressions for different sizes of animals, but the technique is essentially the same. It’s important to remember that animals can be more sensitive than humans, so you should take extra care when performing CPR on them.

3. There Are Different Types of CPR

Depending on the situation, you should use different techniques. Basic CPR involves chest compressions and rescue breaths, but there are variations, such as Hands-Only CPR and Infant CPR.  Hands-only CPR is a technique that does not require mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, making it easier for people to remember in an emergency. Infant CPR is a variation that focuses on chest compressions and rescue breaths for babies since their bodies are more delicate than adults. Advanced resuscitation techniques can also be used on people who have suffered cardiac arrest. These techniques include using a defibrillator and other medical devices to help restore the heart’s normal rhythm.

4. It Requires Regular Practice

Performing CPR correctly requires practice and skill. Although you can learn the basics in just a few minutes, staying up to date with the latest techniques is essential. At Newcastle Training, you can take a CPR course to refresh and refine your skills. The course will cover the latest guidelines and techniques, giving you the confidence to use CPR in an emergency. You can also refresh your skills at home with a CPR practice kit. These kits come with manikins and accessories, allowing you to simulate real-life scenarios and practice the techniques until you are confident.

5. It Can Help Reduce Brain Damage

When someone’s heart stops beating, their brain is deprived of oxygen which can lead to permanent brain damage or even death. By performing CPR and getting the heart beating again, you can help reduce this damage and increase their chances of survival. Blood and oxygen will start flowing to the brain again, and their heart rate will return to normal.

6. It Can Be Performed Anywhere

The best thing about CPR is it doesn’t require any special equipment or resources – all you need are your hands and some knowledge of the technique. This means that it can be performed virtually anywhere, whether at home, in the office, or even on the side of the road.

While medical professionals are trained in CPR, anyone can learn it and use it in an emergency. All it takes is some basic knowledge and understanding of how to perform chest compressions and rescue breaths, as well as an understanding of the differences between adult and child CPR.

CPR is an essential skill to learn and can be used to save lives in any situation. With regular practice and understanding of the technique, you can help someone in need and make a difference.